The Connection Of Acid Reflux And Atkins Diet

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Many people recommend the Atkins diet to lose weight. As the trend for a low carbohydrate diet emerged, many of those who have acid reflux and Atkins diet noticed that their acid reflux was markedly reduce after a few days of staying on the diet. This discovery prompted the study of acid reflux and Atkins diet connection.

Acid reflux is the occurrence of stomach acid backing up into the esophagus due to many factors. Some factors may include the malfunction of the esophageal sphincter or the position of the individual right after a heavy meal. Other reasons for this condition may be due to may weak muscles or the kind of food you have eaten.

How The Atkins Diet Works

The Atkins diet functions by reducing the ingestion of carbohydrates in order to stabilize the blood sugar level. This will create a natural break down of fat stores and also protein stores for the body to create energy. This means that the diet prompts the natural usage of reserved fatty stores in the body since there are not enough carbohydrates to turn into energy in the diet. Many swear by the efficacy of the Atkins diet while some others are skeptical regarding the idea behind it. Some doctors argue that the body might not necessarily burn the fat and protein reserves and the person will be severely malnourished in the end.

The connection of acid reflux and the Atkins diet lies in the food that the individual does not take in during the diet. Although, animal fat and meat are staples in the Atkins diet, the reduced amount of refined carbohydrates may also have an effect on reducing the instances of acid reflux symptoms. Studies about acid reflux and Atkins diet have been yielded conflicting results because fats and meats can also trigger the symptoms of acid reflux. Not everybody in the study about acid reflux and Atkins diet has yielded promising result regarding the effect of the Atkins diet on acid reflux.

Due to the conflicting results, many doctors still hesitate on recommending Atkins diet for acid reflux. More studies and research needs to be done regarding acid reflux and Atkins diet combination. Medical practitioners still recommend proper posture while eating and after eating as well as regulating what you eat and the amount of food that you ingest to reduce occurrences of acid reflux. The acid reflux and Atkins diet combination might be beneficial for some individuals but for some it may have no effect whatsoever.

Dealing With Acid Reflux and Back Pain

Saturday, May 17, 2008

So it isn’t enough that you have acid reflux, but you have back pain too. People who are suffering from one of these problems let alone both often feel helpless and feel as though there is nothing they can do to find relief from their pain. There are solutions for acid reflux and back pain, and you just have to learn about what they are.

Your Options

One of the best treatments for acid reflux and back pain is quite simple – vinegar. For one of the most natural and safe ways of treating your acid reflux and back pain you simply drink a tablespoon of vinegar each day, preferably in the morning, and this helps by basically counteracting the overproduction of acid in your stomach.

Apple cider vinegar can replace regular vinegar if you wish, and you should take about a tablespoon of it before each meal. You should ideally begin to notice results within a few weeks, some after only days. It is important that you continue to take the vinegar on a daily basis however, even after you feel an improvement, otherwise your pain will most likely return.

Another effective treatment idea for acid reflux and back pain is to combine antacids and pain medication. The antacids will work for the acid reflux by neutralizing acid in the stomach, while the pain medication will help to offer relief from the pain in your back. Because antacids are such a mild form of medicine they can easily and safely be taken in conjunction with other medication, such as back pain pills.

For the back pain in particular, there are multiple over the counter and prescription drugs that are available. Acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the most commonly suggested, and typically begin to show results in as little as a few days.

Narcotic pain medications and muscle relaxants may also be used, but these should not ever be considered as a long term solution, and if used for a prolonged period of time they may actually end up making the condition worse.

Anyone looking to find relief from acid reflux and back pain should stay positive, knowing that there are effective solutions available. It is also important to not self treat, because only an experienced medical professional will be able to properly assess and diagnose your condition and deem which specific treatment would be most suitable. You also should stay in close contact with them afterwards, especially the time immediately after you begin treatment, so they can make sure that your condition is improving.

Acid Reflux Alternative Treatment: The Options

Friday, May 16, 2008

In almost all types of diseases, a number of treatment options are given out to patients. They are for people to choose from, and they all offer what suits the patient the best.

The acid reflux alternative treatment is really not a list in which you can choose something to ingest and make the heartburn go away. It is rather a procedure which you strictly do and follow everyday in order to achieve your goal. Although the acid reflux alternative treatment offers a long term goal, it has been proven to be supportive in the client's recuperation process.

Belching as an Acid Reflux Alternative Treatment

Belching is more commonly known as burping; the sound which we make when air passes upward from our stomach. The moment we chew and swallow our food, we also allow air to enter and build up in our stomach; this causes the "flap-like" valve to open and relax and allows food to back up in the esophagus. Before the air accumulates inside our stomach and lets the sphincter loose, we need to burp in order to push the excess air out of our stomach. This act effectively relieves us from heartburn. Another way of letting the air out of our stomach is by lying sideways or in a knee-chest position until the air escapes.

The Colon Cleansing Kit

One of the less popular acid reflux alternative treatment is colon cleansing, Unknown to many, this homeopathic way helps relieve a person from heartburn by removing accumulated waste inside our stomach. There is a need to have a "liquids-only" fasting, an intake of at least thirty grams of fiber per day, and frequent fiber drinks intake. By following these three, our stomach and colon are cleansed naturally and excess waste is being removed. However, this practice needs to be approved by a physician since prolonged usage of such technique could lead to dehydration.

Prim and Proper

The last acid reflux alternative treatment is proper posturing and proper chewing of food. When one gets very hungry, they tend to swallow the food instead of chewing it. When this happens, gas forms easily inside their stomachs causing the heartburn. You need to take time to eat and swallow in small portions; this would only allow a lesser portion of gas to enter the stomach. You need to apply mindfulness in eating; rather than inhaling it, savor and chew the food at a snail's pace.

While there are a lot of medicinal and herbal offers, why not try the alternative way? This may help you get pass through your problems in heartburn. A little effort and determination would certainly fix this burning pain.

Are Acid Reflux and Bad Breath Related?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Acid reflux and bad breath sometimes happen together and can cause you a lot of embarrassment. Imagine having heartburn after lunch and then having to give a presentation only to have the people nearest to you back away or tune out what you’re saying because of your bad breath.

Or imagine the embarrassment of acid reflux and bad breath during a date. There are many instances when acid reflux and bad breath can occur and none of them are ideal. There is a natural non-medicated way to achieve fresh breath. Medication for acid reflux is only a temporary fix and will not solve the problem in the long term.

Understanding the Problem

What do you think your acid juices taste like? If you have acid reflux you probably have a good idea. Every time your esophagus opens up and allows your stomach juices to enter your mouth you can taste that awful bitter liquid. Remember that taste and smell are connected; your sense of smell helps you to taste things. So if something tastes good it is likely to smell good, the opposite is true as well.

Once you have had an attack of acid reflux you are going to have bad breath. Add to this the conventional wisdom that what you eat influences how your breath smells and you can understand better why acid reflux and bad breath go together. Foods that cause bad breath can also cause acid reflux, eliminating or reducing these foods can help you improve an acid reflux and bad breath problem.

Small Changes

Antacids will help you with acid reflux and thus eliminate the problem of bad breath but do you really want to rely on medication all the time? Acid reflux and bad breath can be cured with small changes to your lifestyle rather than drastic ones. If you love spicy and garlic filled foods and eat them often it might be time to cut out these foods and only eat them in small portions occasionally.

Exercise is also a great thing to incorporate into your daily life. If you complain that you have no time to go to the gym then find ways of slipping it into your everyday life. Whether that’s using the stairs instead of the lift at work or walking your dog instead of hiring someone. Weight loss can help you solve the problem of heart burn so some extra exercise will no doubt help your acid reflux and bad breath problem.

Avoiding Acid Reflux and Diarrhea

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Acid reflux in itself is unpleasant but acid reflux and diarrhea are two things that sometimes go together and make the experience even worse. Many people think that acid reflux and diarrhea always occur together when in fact this is not true. It is possible to eliminate both acid reflux and diarrhea by choosing the right treatment plan and changing your lifestyle. The treatment that you choose for acid reflux will largely determine whether you have diarrhea and acid reflux. You should also consider how to treat the root of acid reflux to eliminate the problem completely.

How to Avoid Diarrhea

Diarrhea is actually very serious, despite its common occurrence, it can be potentially life threatening. This is because constant diarrhea results in a loss of body fluids. Dehydration if not treated quickly can result in hospitalization or even worse. It is particularly worrying if the person afflicted is elderly. You should avoid a combination of acid reflux and diarrhea as the two together can cause a lot of discomfort.

You may have noticed that diarrhea usually occurs after you have taken an antacid to treat your acid reflux. This is because some over the counter antacids will cause diarrhea due to the inclusion of aluminum hydroxide in the list of ingredients. Buying a different antacid that has magnesium hydroxide will cause you to have the opposite problem that is constipation. You should buy an antacid that has both these ingredients to avoid the problem completely.

Solving Acid Reflux Problems

Occasional acid reflux or heartburn is not harmful or worrisome; as we age we are more likely to experience this. Cause for concern however is continued heartburn on a regular basis. This is indicative of an unhealthy diet that is difficult for your body to digest. Continued acid reflux can destroy or damage your esophagus and result in bleeding and problems swallowing.

Fatty food at every meal is not a good idea in many ways and is one of the causes of acid reflux. Cutting down on fatty foods will help the problem immensely. Heavy meals should also be avoided as this puts stress on your stomach, eat smaller meals to aid digestion and reduce acid reflux. Eating late at night is also something that you should avoid. If your acid reflux is triggered by certain foods, for example spicy foods, you should avoid these foods. Caffeine and smoking also cause acid reflux and you should avoid these habits to eliminate acid reflux and diarrhea.

How to Avoid Having an Acid Reflux Attack

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Often confused with heartburn, acid reflux is a condition that occurs when acids from the stomach make their way back up and into the esophagus. Also known as GERD or gastro esophageal reflux disorder, this is a chronic condition that will become a lifelong problem once it begins, and which can result in serious damage to the body if left untreated.

Avoiding an Acid Reflux Attack

Although there is no surefire way to completely prevent or cure acid reflux, there are certain things that you can do to avoid having an acid reflux attack. One of the first and most important things you should do is make a list of the different foods that can aggravate your acid reflux and then avoid them as best you can in the future.

Citrus fruits and juices, chocolate, caffeine, tomato based foods, fatty and greasy foods, and spicy foods should all be avoided in order to prevent the onset of an acid reflux attack. Cola drinks, certain cold remedies and medications, weight control aids, and pain relievers can all also aggravate acid reflux.

Wearing loose clothing will also help you to avoid an acid reflux attack, as tight belts and clothing can press up against your stomach and force the acid in the stomach contents to make their way into the esophagus.

There is also the option of using enzyme therapy, which is quickly becoming a popular option among acid reflux sufferers around the world. It can be used to improve circulation in the body, help speed tissue repair, remove waste products from the body, build general resistance, and improve overall health.

All of these ideas will be effective in avoiding an acid reflux attack, but in most cases avoidance is not enough, and you will have to implement some form of medicine to help cope with your reflux.

A few of the most commonly used medications include Nexium Oral, Prevacid Oral, Zantac Oral, Aciphex Oral, Antacid Oral, Carafate Oral, Pepcid Oral, Prilosec Oral, Protonix Oral, Axid Oral, Reglan Oral, and Tagamet Oral.

Speak to your doctor to find which if any medication is going to be best for you and also how long you should take it for. Prescription drugs may offer relief but they should never be considered as a long term solution. Instead you should take the steps to avoid acid reflux attacks as best you can, as well as create a proper diet and exercise regime.

Acid Reflux Bacteria: Cancer Causing?

Monday, May 12, 2008

We never thought that a simple heartburn could result in many possible complications. Amongst these complications is the life threatening and debilitating illness, cancer. The mechanism for which it affects our gastrointestinal system could never be understood; but research shows that the bacteria flourishing both in the esophagus and the stomach could nonetheless lead to cancer.

There are two types of acid reflux bacteria that are proven harmful to our system. One is the cancer causing Helicobacter Pylori existing in the stomach walls and the other is a diverse bunch of organisms which thrives in the esophagus. Both organisms are related to stomach and esophageal cancers.

Barett’s Esophagus

Although it was not really proven that the bacteria residing in the esophagus can positively cause cancer, it was verified that it can otherwise contribute to the shifting of our normal esophageal cells. Instead of having a smooth cell lining, the esophagus is transformed into an abnormal and coarse wall. This process is usually seen in patients having reflux disease. Due to prolonged regurgitation, the lining of the esophagus is continually irritated leaving it into a condition called a Barett’s esophagus. Acid reflux bacteria then thrives into the esophageal lining contributing to further irritation and infection, thus leading to cancer.

Helicobacter Pylori

Helicobacter pylori is an acid reflux bacteria caused by prolonged regurgitation and prolonged irritation of the stomach wall. When people experience frequent heartburn, the stomach produces more acid leading to ulcerations in its walls. Having ulcers in the stomach walls cause such bacteria to thrive on it. Helicobacter Pylori is pathogenic in the sense that it invades the stomach’s normal flora, and is debilitating in the sense that it is proven to be the cause of gastric cancer.

Acid Reflux Bacteria and the Cancers Associated With It

Two complications of acid reflux disease are proven to be cancer-causing. One is cancer of the esophagus and the other is cancer of the stomach. Reflux may seem to be a simple problem since most people experience it from time to time; but we must remember that occasional reflux is different form frequent reflux. The latter suggests that it is important to consult the physician and have ourselves treated before any of the complications arise. Acid reflux bacteria can be easily treated with compliance to antibiotics; but cancer has no means of any cure. So before everything gets as worse as cancer, we might consider seeking the help of health professionals before everything gets too late.