Acid reflux is one of the most commonly diagnosed conditions in the world. It is a condition where gastric juices containing acid make their way back from the stomach and up into the esophagus. Typical symptoms of the condition include heartburn, chest pain, and difficulty swallowing.
The Seriousness of Acid Reflux Pain
Although there are some cases of acid reflux that are so mild they are hardly noticeable, in most cases the acid reflux pain experienced is so intense that it is debilitating. For most people the discomfort can end up affecting the quality of life and everyday activities, which can obviously be quite troublesome.
It is hard to describe acid reflux pain, and unless you have experienced it for yourself you will really never understand just how intense and uncomfortable it can be. Heartburn is the main symptom, and is a burning feeling that rises from the upper abdomen up towards the neck. Heartburn can be so painful that the sufferer finds it difficult to eat, drink, or even just walk around, until they find a way to get relief.
The majority of acid reflux pain occurs in the upper abdomen and chest, and can radiate from here through the rest of the chest and even into the arms. There are also some uncommon symptoms that may occur in people suffering from acid reflux, such as a persistent cough, hoarseness and asthma symptoms.
Acid reflux pain can also end up causing complications, including erosive esophagitis, esophageal stricture, ulceration or Barrett’s esophagus, and possibly even esophageal cancer. Barrett’s esophagus is the most serious complication of chronic acid reflux syndrome and is a condition where there is a change in the membrane cells of the esophagus.
Dealing With Your Acid Reflux
It is obviously then very important that you deal with your acid reflux appropriately. Keep in mind that dealing with acid reflux is never easy in the beginning, and you may not even start to see results for a few months. Eating properly and getting enough exercise is definitely going to help you here, exercise in particular because it will give you energy and help your body to digest food more efficiently.
There are also certain medications that are available which can be used here, but remember that these are not intended to be long term solutions and you need to create a lifelong treatment plan instead to properly take care of your reflux.

The Seriousness of Acid Reflux Pain and How to Deal With it
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Acid Reflux, Pain
Is Acid Reflux Surgery Right For You?
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Are you considering surgery for your acid reflux symptoms? Acid reflux surgery is a last resort that should be contemplated only after you have tried other, more conservative treatment options for your acid reflux condition.
Conservative treatment that you should consider before having acid reflux surgery includes diet changes, behavior changes, and over-the-counter medicines.
Change Your Diet
You may be able to avoid acid reflux surgery entirely by changing some of the food you eat and the time when you eat them.
Food items and beverages that contain caffeine have been found to trigger acid reflux symptoms, causing the esophageal sphincter muscle to relax and allowing acid to escape from the stomach to the base of the esophagus, where it can do permanent damage to soft, delicate internal tissues.
Before you schedule acid reflux surgery, eliminate coffee, tea, and caffeinated colas. Chocolate, onions, garlic, and spicy food can also exacerbate an acid reflux condition.
Try Medication
Some patients feel as if choosing between taking medication all their life for acid reflux or having surgery for the condition is no choice at all. However, when you compare the potential side effects of taking medication with the potential side effects of having acid reflux surgery, taking medication is a clear winner.
The most commonly reported side effects reported by individuals taking acid reflux medication, like Prevacid, Prilosec, or Nexium, are nausea, diarrhea, headache, and abdominal pain. These side effects occur only in a small percentage of individuals who take these prescription medications. If these side effects occur, patients should discuss them with their doctors.
The potential side effects from any surgical procedure include infection, complications due to anesthesia (including death), and post-operative gas bloating and trouble swallowing.
The Surgery
The most common acid reflux surgery is fundoplication, which increases pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter, enabling the sphincter to remain closed and form an effective seal between the stomach, with its fiery acid, and the esophagus, with its tender, sensitive lining.
While the surgery usually clears up the symptoms of acid reflux disease, approximately 18% of patients who have had acid reflux surgery require some form of acid reflux medication even after the surgery is complete; another 30% continue to have trouble swallowing and experience bloating. Furthermore, a 2002 study conducted in Sweden reveals that the procedure may not reduce the risk of esophageal cancer in patients who are at high risk for getting esophageal cancer.
If you are taking medication for acid reflux, and you symptoms persist, you may wish to discuss having acid reflux surgery with your physician.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Acid Reflux, Surgery
Finding Proper Acid Reflux Treatment
Monday, April 28, 2008
Acid reflux is a very common and serious condition. It occurs when the lining of the esophagus is exposed to the backward flow of stomach acid. More specifically what happens is gastric juices containing acid travel, making their way back from the stomach and up into the esophagus.
Acid reflux can be a very serious problem and can end up affecting many aspects of a person’s life including causing sleepless nights and making them having to avoid daily activities that they once found normal.
Acid Reflux Treatment
Of course one of the most important issues to anyone dealing with an acid reflux condition is acid reflux treatment. There are basically three options that you have when it comes to acid reflux treatment: medications and surgery.
There are a number of different medications that can be used to treat acid reflux, and this includes everything from over the counter antacids to prescription drugs. Antacids work by neutralizing the stomach acid in the body, thereby lessening the chance of any of it being able to make its way up into the esophagus.
There are also H2 blockers which are commonly used to treat acid reflux, and which work by reducing the overall amount of acid that the stomach products. They offer longer lasting relief than antacids and are suitable for more serious and persistent acid reflux conditions.
Another effective acid reflux treatment is the PPI drugs that are often used, which are not a long term solution and should be used no longer than eight weeks. The PPI drugs that are used in this acid reflux treatment work by actually shutting down the pumps that produce the stomach acid, and because this is an essential function of the body you cannot stay on the drugs for an extended period of time.
It is important that you speak to your doctor about your condition as they will be able to make a proper assessment and decide which particular treatment is going to be most suitable for you. Even if you use natural or alternative methods of treatment these are still a form of medicine and so you will need to make sure that you use common sense.
Overdoing any type of treatment is not a good idea and may even result in making your condition worse. Also remember that by living as generally healthy a lifestyle as possible you will be doing yourself a great benefit and achieve relief from the pain caused by your acid reflux.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Acid Reflux, Treatment
Identifying Your Acid Reflux Triggers
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Have you ever experienced a burning sensation that runs from your stomach pit to your esophagus? Did you ever wonder how it happened and what triggered these “after –meals” sensation? This painful regurgitation is what we call Acid Reflux, or more commonly known as heartburn.
From time to time, people experience such sensation due to the acid reflux triggers. They are the ones responsible for the so-called burning sensation from the inside. The acid reflux triggers come in different forms and may be difficult to distinguish since there is no common symptom for everybody. Thus, trial and error should be done to clearly identify the indicators which generate heartburn.
Causes of Heartburn
Heartburn can be rooted to various factors. The acid reflux triggers include certain foods, body positioning, obesity, and lifestyle habits such as cigarette smoking. Again, determining which factor causes the symptoms to occur may be done by checking and eliminating which precipitates the onset of the symptoms.
Pinpointing the Acid Reflux Triggers
Since there are varying causes of heartburn, it would be helpful to have a checklist of the ingested foods of the day. If the food taken can be associated with the reflux events, then most probably this is what triggers your heartburn. Carefully and noticeably, you try ingesting one kind of food per meal and see if it causes the warning signs to reappear. Also, if you are a smoker experiencing heartburn, it would be favorable to discontinue smoking and see if the accompanying indicators of heartburn stop. Upright positioning for two to three hours after meals may also be helpful in preventing the reflux of food from the stomach. Thus, a way to identifying your acid reflux triggers may mean keeping a daily journal of what you eat and do and how you feel afterwards.
Avoiding Acid Reflux Triggers
The avoiding part comes last and the hardest of all. Most of the foods causing heartburn are the ones that pleases our mouth; thus, making it hard for people to avoid. However, we must remember the good that it brings if we can have full control over ourselves.
Most fast foods should be avoided since they contain a high amount of fat and oil, making them a very good candidate for an acid reflux trigger. Caffeinated beverages, citrus fruits and juices should also be removed from the diet since they are potential acid builders in the stomach. Spicy foods are also stomach irritants and should be undoubtedly exterminated from the diet.
Clearly, a number of ways can help solve the acid reflux problem. Determination, control over oneself and the will to stay healthy are needed to keep you focused on your goal. Believing that health is wealth can also be an unrelenting motivational factor to guide you in achieving wellness.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Acid Reflux Triggers
The Danger of an Acid Reflux Ulcer
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Acid reflux is a condition in itself, but when left untreated it can result in an acid reflux ulcer and this will be even more serious, even potentially life threatening if it causes cancer to develop. An acid reflux ulcer is a small erosion or hole in the gastrointestinal tract, and which typically cause symptoms to affect the sufferer.
This includes a burning or gnawing feeling in the stomach, which can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few days, even months. There are some individuals who suffer with an acid reflux ulcer but who only experience pain after they eat.
One of the biggest problems that an acid reflux ulcer causes is an affection of the nerves surrounding it. The nerves, once they have been affected, often become agitated and can result in causing intense pain.
Anyone with an ulcer wants desperately to find a treatment that is going to work for them and offer them relief. Self help is most important of all, and this means eating a healthy, well balanced diet, and getting plenty of exercise and water.
You should also avoid certain foods, those that are only going to aggravate your condition. Although the specific foods will vary from one person to another, spicy, fatty, greasy, sugary, and citrusy foods are all common aggravators and are best if avoided.
There are also various medicines that are available to treat an acid reflux ulcer. There are milder medicines such as antacids and H2 blockers, which are usually very effective for less serious ulcers, but there are also more powerful medicines called proton pump inhibitors which can actually completely stop acid production in the stomach.
Obviously this takes care of the acid reflux problem, but it is important that these drugs not be considered as a long term solution because acid production is an essential function of the human body.
It is important that anyone dealing with an ulcer keep in close contact with their doctor. This way the doctor can keep an eye on their condition and ensure that they are making improvement. Especially if you are put on any sort of medication, your doctor is going to need to keep a watchful eye on you and you are going to have to let them know if you ever experience any side effects as a result of the medication.
Acid reflux ulcers can be incredibly painful and it may seem as though there is nothing you can do to find relief, but there are solutions and ways to deal with your reflux.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Danger, Reflux Ulcer
Chest Burning and Acid Reflux: What it Means
Friday, April 25, 2008
Chest pains can be scary even if they are very minor pains; common sense tells us that we should not feel pain in this area. Sometimes chest burning and acid reflux go together and can be confused as related to heart disease. The first thing that separates the two is the sensation you feel. When you have chest pains related to heart disease the sensation is that of a stabbing pain. Chest burning and acid reflux mean that you will most likely feel a burning sensation that is more uncomfortable than painful.
Is it Dangerous?
Chest burning and acid reflux don’t always go together but when they do it does not mean that you have worse acid reflux than someone who does not have the same symptom. You should still have your chest pains checked out by a doctor to confirm that your chest pains are a symptom and not related to heart disease.
There are a few simple tests your doctor can perform to determine that the chest burning and acid reflux are occurring together and not related to cardiac disease. First your doctor will test the level of acid in your esophagus; if it is elevated then you are most likely suffering from acid reflux.
Another method to determine the cause of your chest pains will require you to take note of the symptoms that occur when you experience chest pains. For example did you experience a regurgitation of food, feel bile in your mouth? If you have other symptoms of acid reflux along with your chest pains then your doctor can rule out heart disease.
Once you have confirmed with your doctor that you are indeed experiencing chest burning and acid reflux you can proceed to treat the acid reflux. Antacids are the usual route of treatment though proton pump inhibitors may also be used. There are of course other forms of treatment that require you to be proactive and change your lifestyle.
If you frequently consume alcohol then you should cut down on both the amount of alcohol you consume and the frequency of consumption. Smoking is also a trigger of acid reflux and if you have frequent attacks of acid reflux then you should cut it out.
Caffeine whether in coffee, soda, or any other form can also be a trigger. You don’t have to completely cut out these things but think about the frequency and amounts you are consuming these things, then start halving the amounts and see the difference that it makes to your health.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Acid Reflux, Chest Burning
Learning About the Dangers of Acid Reflux
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Acid reflux is a very common condition, but surprisingly then one that many people are not fully aware of. Also known as gastro esophageal reflux disease or GERD, acid reflux is a condition that occurs when the liquid content of the stomach regurgitates back up into the esophagus.
As a result of this the person may begin to feel heat and inflammation in the chest and throat area, similar to heartburn but much more intense. The regurgitated liquid usually contains acid and pepsin which are normally produced by the stomach but which can have a seriously damaging effect on the lining of the esophagus if they make their way back up.
Dangers of Acid Reflux
Acid reflux is a condition that must be taken very seriously, especially because there are many dangers of acid reflux that can develop. Depending on the severity of your condition there may be different dangers of acid reflux that you will have to be concerned with.
Coughing and asthma attacks are some of the most commonly occurring dangers of acid reflux, and these can develop because refluxed acid has the ability to stimulate nerves in the body, and aside from acid aggravating nerves linked to the lungs, aspiration can also occur.
Ulcers are another possibility here, and these can get to be incredibly painful because they can end up triggering additional inflammation and soreness. Ulcers are very common in acid reflux sufferers, and although they can be difficult to treat they can heal by forming scar tissue once the inflammation has been relieved.
One of the most serious dangers of acid reflux is a condition known as Barrett’s esophagus. This is a condition which usually occurs once the lower esophagus in the body has been damaged extensively, typically after a prolonged acid reflux condition that has gone untreated.
Dealing With Your Condition
Because all of these dangers are possible, it is therefore important to deal with your condition appropriately and immediately. Antacids are usually the first step, but most acid reflux sufferers find that the basic antacids are simply not strong enough to offer them any relief.
Traditional therapy would most likely include you being put on prescription drugs, but there are also alternative therapies that you can choose to go with and which can be just as successful. Elevating your head at night while you sleep, eating smaller more frequent meals, and using herbs will all help with an acid reflux condition.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Acid Reflux, Dangers
Enzyme Supplements for Infant Acid Reflux: Helping Your Baby
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Acid reflux in infants? Is such a thing possible? Sadly, yes. You may think that acid reflux only occurs in adults who have unhealthy eating habits. The sad truth is that your baby can have acid reflux even if you are breastfeeding. It has nothing to do with what you are feeding your baby but what happens after feeding.
Acid reflux occurs after a large feeding when the body is trying to digest the food and produces too much acid that can come into the esophagus. Fortunately enzyme supplements for infant acid reflux can help the condition.
The Importance of a Cure
Infant acid reflux should not go untreated as this can result in many problems for your baby. First of all your baby will be in a considerable amount of pain and discomfort. Secondly you have to worry about the possibility of blood loss and bloody stools. All the discomfort will lead to poor feedings and affect development.
So what can you do to cure acid reflux in infants? Antacids are really not an option here as you don’t want to be feeding your baby unnecessary chemicals. Add to that the fact that antacids are merely a band-aid, they cover the problem but do not actually help to heal acid and remedy acid reflux.
Enzyme supplements for infant acid reflux help the body to digest better. This will help to avoid the build up of acid in the body that leads to acid reflux. Enzyme supplements for infant acid reflux are natural and allow you to solve the problem without pumping your baby full of chemicals.
Talk to your doctor about enzyme supplements for infant acid reflux rather than the conventional use of antacids to solve the problem. There are certain enzymes that should be avoided when using enzyme supplements for infant acid reflux. Anything with hydrochloric acid should be avoided.
Discuss this option thoroughly with your doctor to determine dosage and what type of enzymes to feed your baby. You should also talk to your pediatrician about what foods you should cut out if you are breast-feeding to help your baby’s acid reflux.
You should also discuss how much to feed your baby. Over feeding and under feeding can both lead to problems with acid reflux. You should also try not to let your baby lie down right after a feeding as this can lead to acid reflux as well.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Acid Reflux, Supplements
Learning About the Different Foods That Cause Acid Reflux
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sure there are tons of different medications and other conventional treatments available that can help with acid reflux, but if you want a permanent solution for your problem then you are going to have to learn about the different foods that cause acid reflux, so you can avoid them, thereby preventing aggravating your acid reflux.
There are hundreds of different foods that cause acid reflux, and this includes citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons, chocolate, drinks with caffeine, fatty and fried foods, garlic and onions, peppermint, spicy foods, and tomato based foods.
The foods that cause acid reflux will vary from one person to another, so it if you find that your acid reflux becomes aggravated after meals, you are going to want to do a little trial and error in order to find out which specific foods are causing you to have problems.
You should also keep in mind that although most people agree that there are foods that cause acid reflux, there are others who do not believe that there are any foods that cause acid reflux and that the idea is nothing more than a myth.
Taking Care of Yourself
If you are one of the many people around the world presently suffering from acid reflux, there are a few things that you will want to take in order to find relief from your condition. One of the first things you will want to do to get rid of the lingering symptoms that are often a part of reflux is reduce your stress level.
Stress is one of the leading causes of acid reflux and so by being stressed out you will only be aggravating your condition. There are some easy ways to reduce stress in your life, such as laughing more, going out with your friends and family more often, taking a bubble bath, meditating, and taking part in yoga classes.
Wearing loose clothing is a good idea, as this will help you to reduce your discomfort. If you drink or smoke often you should try to stop or at least reduce the frequency in order to not only prevent your acid reflux from worsening but also strength your hard and reduce the erosion of the esophagus that comes with reflux.
Acid reflux can be a very difficult condition to deal with and can even result in depression but it is important to realize that there are some great solutions out there, things that you can do to find relief from the pain caused by your reflux.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: About, Acid Reflux
A List Of Foods To Avoid With Acid Reflux
Monday, April 21, 2008
If you have acid reflux, you know that familiar feeling after you've eaten a meal or exercised. Your chest feels tight, and you feel a fire inside at the bottom of your neck that no amount of cold water can relieve.
Many sufferers turn to over-the-counter antacids, the kind that come in little rolls like breath mints. These products often provide relief for a few minutes, but soon the burning returns, seemingly worse than it was in the first place. Like many sufferers, you wish you knew which foods to avoid with acid reflux, to keep it from happening again.
Damage From Acid Reflux
Inside your body, acid reflux may be doing permanent damage to your esophagus. Over time, this damage can increase your risk for getting esophageal cancer. Some acid reflux sufferers must have their esophagus examined with a scope, like a tracheoscopy, every year, to inspect the sensitive tissue for damage that could lead to cancer. Learning to avoid certain foods with acid reflux consequences seems preferable to undergoing such an invasive, expensive procedure every year.
Foods To Avoid
With acid reflux, diet is key. Acid reflux occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter muscle relaxes, loosening the seal between the stomach, where acid is stored, and the esophagus, where tender tissue need to be protected from acid. Certain foods encourage the sphincter muscle to relax, and should be avoided.
Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, tea, and cola drinks, can contribute to the occurrence of acid reflux. Similarly, alcoholic beverages – including wine and beer – can cause acid reflux symptoms to flare up. These are all beverages, or foods, to avoid with acid reflux symptoms.
Sadly for many, chocolate can also cause acid reflux symptoms. Other foods that contribute to acid reflux are garlic and onions, as well as peppermint, spearmint, and hot, spicy foods. If you are plagued with acid reflux, these are foods to avoid.
Behavior To Avoid
Just as the wrong foods can contribute to acid reflux, there are certain behaviors that can also loosen the lower esophageal sphincter muscle and result in acid reflux symptoms. Pregnancy can temporarily cause acid reflux, but symptoms virtually always subside after the baby comes. Wearing tight clothing can also trigger symptoms or make them worse.
When you eat can be as important as what you eat when you are trying to avoid acid reflux. Sufferers should stop eating at least three hours before bedtime, as late-night eating has been known to exacerbate acid reflux symptoms.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Acid Reflux
The Most Effective Homeopathic Cures for Acid Reflux
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Acid reflux is a condition that occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter opens up spontaneously, and as a result allows contents from the stomach to be able to make their way back up into the esophagus. When acid reflux occurs the person is usually able to taste food or fluid in the back of their mouth, and typically will experience discomfort or pain in their stomach and chest area.
Diagnosis is the first step in treating acid reflux, and so you will need to get in to see your doctor to get their opinion and for a proper diagnosis. Once you have been diagnosed your doctor will begin to discuss with you the various different treatment methods that you can choose from.
Homeopathic Cures for Acid Reflux
Of course there are the standard, more conventional methods of treatment for acid reflux, but there are also many homeopathic cures for acid reflux that you can choose to use. The first place you should start is with your diet and making any changes where necessary.
You should be eating as many fresh fruits and vegetables as you can, as well as whole grain breads and cereals and other foods that are high in fiber.
One of the best homeopathic cures for acid reflux is apple cider vinegar. Inexpensive and easy to take, apple cider vinegar is one of the oldest tricks in the book. It can also help with weight loss, constipation and heartburn.
There are many benefits that are offered by the homeopathic cures for acid reflux. For one, because prescription medications can often have unwanted effects, people who want to avoid these unfavorable symptoms now have the option of using homeopathic cures for acid reflux which are side effect and symptom free.
If you are not sure which particular homeopathic remedy to try, speak to your doctor for more information or even better to a homeopathic medicine expert who will be able to discuss your options with you and, after completing a proper assessment, help you to decide which particular treatment they think would be the most successful.
Acid reflux can definitely be a serious and intensely painful condition, and often sufferers feel helpless because they try one method after the other and nothing seems to work. With homeopathic remedies you may actually have more luck than with the more conventional treatments, and not only that but you also will not have to deal with any unfavorable side effects.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Acid Reflux, Cures
Information on How to Stop Acid Reflux
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The most important thing to acid reflux sufferers is learning how to stop acid reflux. Because it can be such a seriously painful and irritating condition, sufferers often find it debilitating and hard to even continue with their regular daily activities.
Acid reflux is a chronic condition which means that once it develops it will be a lifelong problem, and so although there is nothing that you can to in order to completely rid yourself of the condition there are ways to relieve the pain caused by your acid reflux and to start feeling like your regular self once again.
How to Stop Acid Reflux
The first thing that anyone interested in learning how to stop acid reflux should do is make a change in your diet. It is important that you start eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals, and drinking lots of water, at least six to eight glasses every day.
You should also create a proper exercise routine for yourself, as it is critical that you stay physically active to keep your acid reflux under control.
If you find that you have tried the basic ways for learning how to stop acid reflux to no avail, then your doctor may suggest that you start on a medication. Most medications of acid reflux are taken once a day but your doctor may tailor this depending on the severity of your condition and how long you have been dealing with it for.
Prilosec is one of the most commonly prescribed medications for acid reflux. It works by healing the damaged tissues in the body caused by acid reflux for about two months, but after this it should be stopped and you should be switched to another medication. The reason for this is that Prilosec decreases the amount of acid produced by the stomach and if taken too long it can end up permanently faulting this necessary function of the human body.
Prevacid is another of the typically suggested prescription medications for acid reflux. If you want to know how to stop acid reflux then you will definitely want to speak to your doctor about the Prevacid drug that is relatively new.
Prevacid tablets can be swallowed by placing them under the tongue and allowing your saliva to dissolve it, as opposed to swallowing it whole. If you cannot handle taking a pill then you can always speak to your doctor about getting intravenous doses.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Acid Reflux, Information
Relevant Information On Acid Reflux
Friday, April 18, 2008
Acid reflux is a condition in which a person feels a burning sensation on the lower esophagus which can be the cause of great discomfort. Many individuals suffer from acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease. There is a lot of information on acid reflux because a good number of people suffer from this condition daily. Information on acid reflux may focus on the cause and the treatment of the condition as well as how to avoid it.
Information On Acid Reflux Causes
One of the main causes of acid reflux is the malfunction of the muscles in the region nearest to the stomach. This inability of the tissue of muscles to function properly can have many causes. Information of acid reflux causes have cited smoking and innate physiological deformities as the main causes of incapacity of muscles to function well. Other possible causes of gastroesophageal reflux disease can be the ingestion of a heavy meal and the position of the individual. Ingesting too much can give you a full stomach thus adding to the possibility of stomach acids backing up to the esophagus.
A person who suffers a lot from heartburn must have some information on acid reflux causes on which he will learn how to avoid it. The position one takes after a particularly heavy meal can also induce acid reflux. Lying down can cause some acids to escape the esophageal sphincter and burn the lower esophagus resulting in heartburn symptoms. Information on acid reflux clearly states to avoid a position where your stomach may be level to your head or lower than it. Bending right after a heavy meal can induce heartburn symptoms. Wearing tight fitting clothes at the waist can also cause acid reflux.
Information On Acid Reflux Treatment
Treating acid reflux can be as easy as popping a pill to reduce the production of stomach acids. Some information on acid reflux also cite some natural herbal remedies to calm the symptoms of heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Some treatments can be as easy as giving your stomach some time to digest your meal effectively before doing anything strenuous. Avoiding smoking is information on acid reflux that is very valuable. This is because smoking can cause muscles to constrict thus reducing the efficacy of the esophageal sphincter from closing properly after meals. Other information on acid reflux treatment can be just keeping your meals small but frequent. This is to avoid filling your stomach too much.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Acid Reflux, Information
Do Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Really Work?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Many people are skeptical of natural remedies for acid reflux, thinking that there is no way they could work as effectively as the more conventional treatment methods that are available. This is actually a myth, and in fact, some of the natural remedies for acid reflux that are available have proven to be better than more conventional methods.
There are some great ideas that you can choose to go with when it comes to natural remedies for acid reflux.
There are many advantages that you will receive by choosing to use natural remedies for acid reflux, including that you will not have to deal with the unfavorable and unwanted side effects that you would with other options.
A few of the best natural remedies for acid reflux include chamomile, meadowsweet, slippery elm, cancer bush, fennel, catnip, angelica root, ginger root, and aloe. Chamomile helps by relieving irritation in the esophagus, and is thought to have calming and relaxing properties. It also has the ability to reduce the amount of stomach acid and promote normal digestion.
Next to chamomile, slippery elm is the most popular of all natural remedies for acid reflux. It is such a specific remedy for helping acid reflux and similar conditions that it is really too bad doctors and hospitals do not prescribe it more.
One of the most favorable qualities of slippery elm is how quickly it works, and acid reflux sufferers can feel relief almost immediately. It is also a very safe herb so you do not have to worry as much about overuse.
There are a few things that you should keep in mind if you plan to use any natural or home remedies for your acid reflux. More than anything you need to realize that just because these herbs are helping relieve the pain you will still need to take other steps including making changes in your lifestyle in order to find a long term solution.
It is important that you eat a healthy, well balanced diet and get plenty of exercise if you want to have permanent relief of your acid reflux, and also stay away from foods that will aggravate your condition, such as tomatoes, mashed potatoes, French fries, ground beef, sour cream, cottage cheese, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, ice cream, and eggs. Also keep in mind that although herbal remedies are generally safe they are still a form of medicine and so you need to use common sense when starting on any of them.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Acid Reflux, Natural Remedies
Benefits And Features Of Nexium Acid Reflux
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Fortunately for acid reflux sufferers, Nexium effectively treats the symptoms of acid reflux and provides relief for the pain and burning of heartburn.
What Is Acid Reflux?
The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) muscle connects the esophagus to the stomach. The LES forms a tight seal to keep stomach acid where it belongs – in the stomach. When the LES relaxes, acid bubbles up from the stomach and penetrates the esophagus, where it can damages the sensitive lining of the organ.
What Causes Acid Reflux?
A variety of foods, conditions, and behaviors can trigger an acid reflux reaction. Caffeine consumption, in coffee, tea, or chocolate, can cause the reaction, as can overeating, wearing tight clothing, or being pregnant.
What Helps Acid Reflux Symptoms?
To some extent, the heartburn and pain of acid reflux can be avoided by avoiding the foods and behaviors that cause the problems. However, this is not always possible. For example, overweight people who are undertaking a weight loss program may have acid reflux symptoms that persist until they can lose a certain amount of weight.
Taking Nexium for acid reflux is the perfect solution for people who find themselves in a situation where they need to treat their acid reflux symptoms. By taking the "healing purple pill," as Nexium is called, acid reflux sufferers can obtain 24-hour relief from heartburn symptoms.
What Is Nexium?
The official medical name for Nexium is esomeprazole magnesium. Nexium for acid reflux must be prescribed by a medical doctor; it is not available without a prescription. While Nexium treats acid reflux, it may also have a negative reaction when taken with certain other drugs, notably Coumadin, HIV medications that contain Aatazanavir, and drugs like ketoconazole, iron salts, and digloxin, which rely on the gastric pH being a certain level.
Unfortunately, like any drug, Nexium does have side effects. The most commonly reported side effects are headache, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Most adults take 20 or 40 mg of Nexium for acid reflux once daily, and they get 24 hour relief. Notably, Nexium is gluten free. Persons with gluten intolerance have enough gastric distress to deal with without the added complications of gluten in their medication. Therefore, Nexium is proud to be gluten-free.
Healing Nexium
Acid reflux can cause severe damage to the esophagus. Nexium can heal this damage, usually within four to six weeks after beginning treatment.
Is Nexium right for you? Only you and your doctor can decide. If you have persistent heartburn two or more days per week, talk to your doctor about taking Nexium.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nexium Acid Reflux
The Top Pharmaceutical Companies That Treat Acid Reflux Disease
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
For the millions of people suffering from acid reflux disease out there, it is important they be aware of the different pharmaceutical companies that treat acid reflux disease. This will be incredibly helpful in regards to their treatment, to ensuring that they get the best advice assistance with their condition as possible.
Top Pharmaceutical Companies That Treat Acid Reflux Disease
A short list of the top pharmaceutical companies that treat acid reflux disease includes GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Wyeth, Novartis, Aventis Pharma, Roche, Lilly, Novo Nordisk, Bayer, Abbott, Lundbeck, and Schering Plough.
How the Pharmaceutical Companies That Treat Acid Reflux Disease Work
It is important to understand how these pharmaceutical companies that treat acid reflux disease work, especially if you are suffering from the condition yourself and want to find the best treatment and the best company to go to.
Often medication is the first choice, particularly for more serious conditions because patients want at least remote immediate relief. There are many over the counter and prescription medications that are presently available to treat acid reflux disease.
Proton pump inhibitors are a group of prescription medications that work by completely preventing the release of acid in the stomach. Because acid production is a natural and essential function of the human body however, these drugs should never be considered as a long term solution and should only be used for a total of six weeks at the very most.
There are also what are known as H2 blockers, which are medicines that help acid reflux by reducing the amount of acid that the stomach produces. Because these medications only decrease the amount of acid in the stomach and do not deplete it completely, they can be used for a longer amount of time but again should never be thought of as a permanent solution.
If you only have a mild case of acid reflux, antacids may be enough to help you find relief. They work by simply neutralizing the acid in the stomach, and provide immediate heartburn relief.
It is important that any and all acid reflux sufferers work together with their doctor, who will be able to properly assess and diagnose their condition and help them to find the best treatment for their particular needs. Acid reflux can get to be a very serious condition, if you let it, but there are things you can do to greatly relieve the pain caused by your reflux.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Pharmaceutical Companies, Reflux Disease, Treat Acid
An Informative Guide on Preventing Acid Reflux
Monday, April 14, 2008
Acid reflux syndrome, also known as gastro esophageal reflux disease, is a disease that should never be ignored or mistreated. There are millions of people around the world who suffer from an acid reflux condition, and it is important that if you ever experience the symptoms of acid reflux you speak to your doctor as soon as possible.
Although there is no way to completely avoid getting acid reflux and no way to completely get rid of it, there are ways of preventing acid reflux.
Eating Smaller Meals
One of the worst things that anyone suffering from acid reflux can do is gorge themselves full of food. If you have larger, less frequent meals then you are going to be filling your stomach to the brim, which will result in more stomach acid and in a pushing on your stomach which will aggravate the reflux.
Instead, you should stick to eating smaller, more frequent meals, as this will greatly decrease the chance that some of the food you have eaten will make its way back up into the esophagus.
Avoid Eating Before Bedtime
Another idea for preventing acid reflux is to avoid eating the hour or two before you go to bed. This is a very effective way of preventing acid reflux because lying down with a full stomach can cause the contents of your stomach to press harder against the lower esophageal sphincter, which in turn will increase the chance of refluxed food.
Keep Your Head Elevated
While you sleep, and when you can while you are awake, you should keep your head elevated. This will help keep any stomach acid trying to make its way back up into the esophagus from making it all the way up. This will keep you from experiencing the pain of your reflux, especially during the nighttime which is when most acid reflux sufferers experience the most pain.
Another idea for preventing acid reflux involves you wearing loose clothing. Although it may seem like a pretty simple concept it is a great way of preventing acid reflux because it makes sure that your body is not restricted and that your stomach is not being pressed against. Clothing that fits tightly around your abdomen is only going to squeeze your stomach and force food up against the lower esophageal sphincter.
As a result of this, the food in your stomach is much more likely to reflux into the esophagus, resulting in pain.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Guide, Preventing Acid Reflux
How to Recognize the Symptoms of Acid Reflux
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Most of us are familiar with the signs of heartburn, since the majority of folks suffer with a bout of it at one time or another. The all too familiar burning and pain just under your breastbone can become worse when you lie down or bend over. When you experience the discomfort, it is easy to take an antacid or two that will neutralize the acid and relieve the symptoms.
However, this is not the case for everyone. Some people will have frequent bouts of heartburn, or symptoms that are so severe; they cannot be effectively treated with the usual medications and lifestyle changes. These may be the symptoms of acid reflux, or GERD. If you suspect that you are experiencing symptoms of acid reflux, it is important to seek treatment since leaving acid reflux unchecked can result in complications and damage to the esophagus. So what are the signs to watch out for?
My Heartburn Occurs Often
Frequent heartburn is the most common symptom of acid reflux. If you are finding that your heartburn is occurring twice a week or more, you may be suffering from GERD. Heartburn that is more severe than it used to be, doesn't respond as well to medications or wakes you up at night may also be symptoms of acid reflux. It is possible that you will need to talk to your doctor about prescription medications if you have acid reflux, since over the counter remedies are not always effective enough for this condition.
Other Symptoms to Watch Out For
Acid reflux can result in damage to the esophagus, because the stomach acids that back up into this area during a bout of heartburn can damage the delicate esophageal lining. The symptoms of acid reflux in this case may include occasional heartburn with difficulty swallowing or a chronic cough. You may find that your asthma worsens when you lie down after a meal or that you become hoarse at night. Some people that are suffering from frequent heartburn will lose weight or their appetites because the foods they eat will often result in that painful burning sensation.
If you are experiencing the symptoms of acid reflux, it is important to talk to your doctor about treatment options. For some, treatment may be as simple as an over the counter medication. Proton pump inhibitors like Prilosec will block acid production, and H-2-receptor blockers will reduce the amount of acid that is produced. If these treatments do not work effectively, your doctor can prescribe stronger medications and recommend additional lifestyle and diet modifications that may help.
Symptoms of acid reflux can be painful enough to get in the way of daily life, but there is help available. Talk to your doctor about your options today.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Acid Reflux, Symptoms
How Effective Is The Vinegar Acid Reflux Treatment?
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Acid reflux is a condition that is also commonly known as gastroesophageal reflux disease. It is an occurrence where stomach acids or stomach contents rise up and back out into the esophagus causing heartburn symptoms in an individual. There are actually many different kinds of treatments for this condition, some natural and other medical. One of the said natural treatments for acid reflux is the vinegar acid reflux treatment. This vinegar acid reflux treatment entails ingesting a diluted amount of apple cider vinegar to ease the acid reflux.
There are actually many other natural or herbal treatments and cures that claim to be able to control and ease acid reflux and its symptoms. Many traditional doctors prefer to give medicines because they have undergone extensive training in doing this while alternative treatments are just waiting to be discovered and used.
How The Vinegar Acid Reflux Treatment Is Supposed to Work
Although, common sense will tell you not to ingest anymore acidic foods in order not to aggravate the occurrence of acid reflux, alternative medicine practitioners encourage the ingestion of a diluted amount of apple cider vinegar for the vinegar acid reflux treatment. According to some alternative medicine practitioners, one of the causes of acid reflux may be the lack of natural stomach acids to digest foods effectively. Downing a diluted form of apple cider vinegar can add to the natural stomach acids and aid in the digestive process. At the same time, the apple cider vinegar acid reflux treatment can neutralize the acidity of the stomach.
The efficacy of the apple cider vinegar acid reflux treatment has brought about a lot of doubt and debate among many people. Some who have tried the vinegar acid reflux treatment swear that it can effectively control and settle acid reflux while others say that it has no positive effect whatsoever on them. The apple cider vinegar acid reflux treatment specifies that apple cider vinegar be used instead of any other kind of vinegar, whether synthetic or natural.
There is actually nothing to lose by trying out the apple cider vinegar acid reflux treatment. You can even try this out repeatedly if you think that the apple cider vinegar acid reflux treatment may have worked for you. Many herbal and natural treatments and cures for acid reflux actually await those who suffer from it. It is just a matter of discovering what works for you and what does not.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Acid Reflux Treatment
What is Acid Reflux and Why do I Have It?
Friday, April 11, 2008
Acid reflux is also known as gastoesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. This condition occurs when heartburn becomes a frequent occurrence, happening two or more times a week. Regular heartburn like this can become uncomfortable enough to get in the way of daily activities and even cause damage to the delicate lining of the esophagus. For these reasons, most people who suffer from frequent bouts of heartburn will ask their doctor what acid reflux is and what they can do to treat it.
The Heartburn Process
When we eat, the food passes from our mouth and throat, into our esophagus. This long tube will send the food down to the stomach, where it is broken down by the digestive acids in this organ to be absorbed into the body as nutrients or eliminated from the body as waste. To keep stomach acid where it belongs, there is a circular ring at the base of the esophagus known as the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES. This LES contracts after food passes through so that it cannot return to the esophagus. However, when the LES cannot close properly, food particles and stomach acids can indeed come back up.
The esophageal lining is not designed to withstand the harsh acid from the stomach, which is why the painful burning results. This is what acid reflux is, and the longer it goes unchecked, the greater the likelihood that actual damage to that lining can occur. This damage can result in a condition known as Barrett's esophagus and increase the risk of esophageal cancer. While both of these conditions are relatively rare, it is still a good idea to understand what acid reflux is and how to treat it most effectively to avoid the risk completely.
Understanding Heartburn Triggers
The first step in understanding what acid reflux is will be to know why it occurs in the first place. Heartburn triggers can come in many shapes and sizes; from the foods we eat to the lifestyle choices we make. Common culprits include tomatoes, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, garlic and onions. Fried and fatty foods can also cause heartburn. Smoking, eating large meals and eating too close to bed are other potential triggers. For some, pinpointing the triggers and avoiding them are enough to keep acid reflux in check. For others, medication may be necessary to control the symptoms and the potential for damage.
There are many over the counter medications that will treat acid reflux, including H-receptor-blockers like Tagamet and Pepcid, and proton pump inhibitors like Prilosec. While different medicines work in different ways, the basic idea is to alter the stomach acid so it cannot back up the digestive tract and cause damage. If you are suffering from frequent heartburn, it would be wise to talk to your doctor to find out what acid reflux is and how it can be treated.
Posted by Richard Bee at 10:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Acid Reflux